This item is compatible with PBS PRO-SXR 160.
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Ver tudo autocolantes personalizados PBS PRO-SXR 160
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GLUTTONY (gola) Design
HYENA.IT website allows you, thanks to the new CONFIGURATOR, to customize your PBS PRO-SXR 160 n a unique and special way.
HYENA decals are made of crystal of 0.4mm, the only material really resistant even in the toughest conditions, coupled with a very very powerful adhesive. The digital printing, finally, completes everything in a high-quality graphics.
At this stage the combinations are truly endless. It is very easy to apply them and we will send you also the instructions on how to do it.
Digital printing complements this in high-quality graphics with full, bright colors. Make your PBS PRO-SXR 160 unique and stand out from the other riders by choosing from hundreds of already made graphics you can find in the gallery, which you can still modify thanks to the CONFIGURATOR. The combinations are truly endless. Applying them is easy, we'll even send you instructions on how to do it. Let us know if you modified your bike, if you changed any parts, e.g., if you changed the faceplate rather than the fender, and we will send you the sticker with the exact shape for the changed part.
molto professionali e disponibili nella cura e soddisfare tutte le richieste del cliente
Alejandro bofill
No hay otro kit de pegatinas con tanta calidad como este, es la segunda moto a la que se lo pongo y estoy encantado. Duros, resistentes y muy maleables a la hora de ponerlos. Te aclaran cualquier duda y están muy pendientes.
Ivan raffio
Qualità grafiche e soprattutto contatti SUPER TOP! Consigliatissimo!
moisidis dimitrios
this is the fourth time i buy decals from hyena !!! Very nice job !!!
Luca bordino
MERAVIGLIOSO! Professionali e veloci!
I recently ordered a set of decals for a yamaha ttr600, I used the online designer and within a few days the guys were in contact with me to clarify some details and show me a preview (I had an aftermarket headlight so they adjusted the decal for this).
A week or so later and I received a parcel all the way from Italy with lots of extra small stickers in for toolboxes etc!
Graphics are fitted and look great for the price. graphics for my bike are very rare.
Will be buying from these guys again in the future as they do designs for the rarer bikes.
Pier francesco vasselli
Grafiche molto belle qualità alta sono rimasto molto soddisfatto
Matteo lorenzetti
Professionali, veloci e prodotto di qualità , assolutamente soddisfatto.
Matteo b.
Materiale e fattura ottimi, prodotti veramente professionali. Applicazione semplice e i ragazzi sono molto gentili quando vengono contattati direttamente.
Alex giallousis
Altissima qualita e molto veloci a la consegnia.
Ivan colzani
Super efficienti.... ottimo il sito... ottimo l'assistenza durante la preparazione..... tempi giusti di consegna.... merce conforme alla descrizione.... non si può chiedere di meglio
Rixi taraballo
Tardan en hacerlas pero son de muy buena calidad y regalan bastantes pegatinas pequeñas. Buen producto
Claudia siebenhütter
Bin sehr Zufrieden mit dem Dekor dass dekor besteht aus einer sehr Stabilen Folie und der kleber ist sehr haftend, Preis leistungs Verhältnis ist auch sehr gut man bekommt wirklich ein sehr gutes Dekor